Jul 14, 2020
Dear Parents, Thank you very much to everyone who took the time to fill in our parent questionnaire and for the positive and helpful responses. From the results of the questionnaire and after consultation with staff on how we can improve our current practice and the services we offer, we will be implementing the following changes in September or when possible. We are planning on changing the kitchen layout to include a cooker so children can be involved in more cooking activities and make their own lunches more often. Keep to the green and red keyperson teams so every child always has a keyperson on every session. New starters will continue to have several taster sessions, and one first session just for them to find pegs, drawers and to become familiar with the environment before the other children return. We will continue with staggered drop off and pick up times as this has worked well and most parents mentioned how well this works and that children settled very well, and they had more time to speak to keypersons. Most parents praised the feedback and support they received from their keyperson team, however a couple of parents wished for more informal feedback on their children’s progress, one suggested Tapestry but this was looked into before and most parents preferred the hard copy of a learning journey. Please talk to your individual key persons if you would like more information or feedback of any kind, it should be a two way relationship, built up over time, as all parents are different and like different types of feedback, we need to get...