Curricular Goals
It is our hope that by the time a child leaves our setting at age 4
they will have achieved these 10 Curricular goals:
Personal social and emotional development goals
➢ To be able to ask for help when needed
➢ To be able to use strategies to solve conflicts with peers
Communication and language goals
➢ To be able to sit and listen to an adult for short periods of time
➢ To be able to communicate their likes and dislikes effectively
Physical goals
➢ To be able to climb climbing apparatus safely using both hands and feet
➢ To be able to hold a writing implement in an effective tripod grip
Literacy goal
➢ To be able to retell a simple story and join in with repeated phrases
Maths goal
➢ To have a good understanding of numbers 1-10
Understanding of the word goal
➢ To be able to name and talk about the four seasons
Expressive art and design goal
➢ To be able to create art using different materials and resources
For our full Curriculum, please follow the link below: