Our Policies
1A. Childrens Rights and Entitlements
1B. Safeguarding Children & Child Protection 2023-24
1F. Use of Mobile Telephones and Cameras
1G. Internet Policy and Procedure
1H. Photography Policy and Procedure
2D. Disciplinary Policy and Procedure
2F. Induction of Staff, Volunteers and Managers
2I. Secure Storage, Handling, Use, Retention and Disposal of Disclosures and Information
2J. Recruitment of Ex offenders
2K. Staff Working with their Own Children or Close Relations
2L. Conflict of Interest Policy
3A. Role of the Key Person and Settling In
3B. Admission and Settling in Policy
3C. Parental Involvement Policy
5B. Reporting and Recording of Accidents and Incidents
5D. Food Hygiene and Food and Drink
6A. Achieving Positive Behaviour
7A. Health and Safety General Standards
7D. Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits
7E. Fire and Evacuation Procedure
8A. Valuing Diversity and Promoting Equality
8B. Bradpole Preschool SEND Policy 2023
9C. Confidentiality and Information Sharing
9D. Daily Routine Policy and Procedure
9E. Partnership working with Outside Agencies
9F. Children’s Records Policy Statement
9G. Transfer of Records to School Policy