Useful Information
Useful information:
A Newsletter will go out every half term informing parents/carers of activities and up to date diary news and fundraising events these will be placed in your child’s drawer. Please inform and sign if your child is to be collected by anyone other than yourself or partner. Children will only be allowed to leave with someone named on their registration forms or someone with parental responsibility.
If a problem arises during a session please phone 01308 456668 and inform a member of staff. Please inform us of any changes to your child’s details, e.g. address or telephone numbers, medical conditions etc.
Coat Pegs and Drawers:
Bad Weather:
In the event of bad weather conditions we will be closed if Colfox School is closed. You can check this on our news page, our Facebook page or Colfox School’s website.
If your child is unwell please phone the Preschool to let us know they will not be attending that day.
Please do not send your child in if they are unwell. If they need Calpol or other medication then they are not well enough to attend. Children can easily become upset and distressed at pre-school if they are unwell and infections spread rapidly through small children. Children should not be brought in until 48 hours after the last bout of illness, please see our health and safety policy and also the health protection guidance on infection control in schools and other child care settings which is displayed on our notice board. If you are in any doubt please phone the pre-school and ask for advice.
Opening Times:
- We are open from 8am-4pm Monday to Friday
- We will be closed for school holidays and bank holidays. We have included in the pack a calendar of term dates.
- Morning Session is 8:45am to 11:45am (£18.00 for the 3 hours)
- Breakfast Club 8:00 am to 8:45am and After School Club 3:15pm to 4:00pm (£4.50 per club)
- Lunch Club is 11:45am to 12:45pm (£6.00 for the hour)
- Afternoon Sessions are from 12:45pm to 3:15pm (£15.00 for 2.5 hours)
- We currently run at £6 per hour, so all day, being 8:00am to 4:00pm, would be £48.00.
- Children are welcome to have half hour sessions we try to be flexible for parents work commitments so you can drop off at 8am, 8.30am or 9am and pick up at 11.30am, 12.30pm, 3pm, 3.30pm or 4pm.
Fees are invoiced at the start of each half term. You can pay your fees weekly, monthly or half termly however we do ask for them to be cleared by the end of each term. If you have difficulties in paying fees please speak to Lauren or Kat as soon as possible, please do not leave it to build up. You can pay by cash, cheque or directly into our bank
Fees are still payable if your child is absent.
We are currently registered to take some child care vouchers: Co-operative scheme, Care-4, Computer Share and Eden Red, if you are registered with someone other than these listed please speak to Lauren who will arrange registration with the new company. Invoices are emailed to the primary registered email address.
Early Education Funding:
The preschool is registered to receive Early Education Funding which covers 38 weeks of the year. From the term following the child’s third birthday, every child is entitled to 15 hours of free preschool education per week. This can be made up of sessions, full days, breakfast, lunch and after school clubs with a maximum of 7.5 hrs to be taken in one day as funded. We charge £6.00 per hour for any hours over the 15 hours entitlement.
30 hour Early Education Funding is available if you or your partner work full or part time. You could still be eligible if you are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave or if you’re unable to work. To find out if you can claim, please visit:
The government has also made money available for eligible two year olds. To find out if you are eligible, please visit: The funding will start from the first term following your child’s second birthday either the 1st April, 1st September or 1st January, which ever applies.
Food and Drink:
Children have access to filtered water at all times during their day at Pre-school, you do not need to provide your child with a drink.
Snack – children will be offered a snack during each session. They are offered a choice of milk or water to drink and we try to encourage children to try lots of different things: toast, cheese and biscuits, dips and vegetables, fruit, yogurt, cereals, sandwiches and wraps. The children are also encouraged to pour their own drinks and to spread their own toast and sandwiches etc. We use snack and meal times as part of our curriculum to try new foods and to sit down socially to eat together.
Lunch Club – we provide all children with a Healthy Eating Booklet from the Government which explains the guidelines. Please do not give your child high sugar foods or sweets, we will provide a drink of water, we request that children do not bring in their own drinks. We try to make sure that children eat their savoury items before anything else. Please only send your child with the amount of food they would normally eat; a child’s portion is about the amount that a child can hold in their hand.
Try to include:
- A portion (one item) of starchy foods like bread, rice, pasta, oat cakes, crisp breads, tortilla wraps and muffins etc.
- A portion (one item) of dairy like cheese, yogurt or fromage fraise.
- A portion (one item) of foods which are a source of protein like meat, fish, eggs, pulses and beans.
- A portion (one item) of fruit like tomatoes, apple, banana, orange, grapes, strawberries, plums, dried fruit or tin fruit in juice.
- A portion (one item) of vegetables like cucumber, carrots, peppers.
Parents/carers are advised that in hot weather it is advisable to include a frozen yogurt or a frozen ice pack to keep the lunch boxes cool.