Settling In
Our settling in policy strongly advises parents/carers to stay for several sessions and only leave for a short time to start with when their child is happy, gradually building up the time spent away as children’s immune systems come under pressure and they find it hard to concentrate when they are anxious. Your child’s key persons are available at the start and end of sessions to discuss any concerns or problems, queries or achievements.
As parents/carers are encouraged to stay until their child is settled the settling in process allows children to become familiar with their new surroundings at their own pace, with support of the early years practitioners and key persons. For some children this will be gradual and require consistent support. It can take up to half a term to settle children especially those who have not spent any time away from home before, we recommend that you leave them for a short period of time to start and when they are used to you leaving and coming back gradually increase the time you are away even if your child settles quickly, we encourage parents/carers to stay for at least 2 weeks so that both children and parents/carers are happy and familiar with our routine. If due to other commitments you are unable to stay with your child speak to your key persons to arrange alternative session for you to settle or for other family members to settle. The preschool has a settling in policy which we have included in your pack, if you have any concerns please speak to your child’s key persons.
We would encourage parents/carers, where possible, to follow this checklist to assist their child in the smooth transition to pre-school.
- Please be brave. Children can easily pick up on how their parents/carers are feeling and will respond accordingly. If the parents and carers are outwardly confident in coming into the setting then the children will also feel more positive about it.
- Please arrive on time. Children want to conform and being late can be very unsettling.
- Please return on time, as being last to be picked up can be very distressing for the child.
- Please stay with your child for as long as necessary.
- Any crying or distress is a normal reaction to separation. Please do not be too concerned, in the majority of cases the child soon settles down when they realise what’s on offer at pre-school.
Parents/Carers are encouraged to discuss concerns or problems and changes involving the child or family as they occur as this can have a direct impact on children and key workers will be able to support the child through this.